Center for Arkansas Legal Services

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Center for Arkansas Legal Services to Offer Free Legal Consultations for Veterans in Pine Bluff


For additional information, please contact:

Pine Bluff Mayor’s Office 870-730-2000, ext. 7

Zina Frazier, Helpline Managing Attorney

Center for Arkansas Legal Services


Center for Arkansas Legal Services to Offer Free Legal Consultations for Veterans in Pine Bluff In order to serve their community and increase access to justice, the Center for Arkansas Legal Services is partnering with the City of Pine Bluff, the Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs, the Little Rock VA Medical Center’s Justice Outreach program, and local Pro Bono Attorneys to host a monthly Veteran’s Legal Clinic in Pine Bluff the 2nd Thursday of each month.

The Veteran’s Legal Clinic seeks to improve the lives of low-income veterans, by offering free consultations on a variety of civil legal areas, including Family Law, Consumer Protection Law, Landlord Tenant, Public Benefits, and Criminal Record Sealing. Arkansas veterans who need help will have the opportunity to speak with an attorney.

“Access to legal services is vital to veterans. Everyone wins with this clinic; the veterans, the community and the lawyers,” Nate Todd, Secretary of Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs said. “I am delighted that veterans have this additional resource for their tool kit here in Southeast Arkansas.”

The Grand Opening Ceremony of the clinic will take place at 8:00am on Thursday, February 13, 2020, at the Pine Bluff First Assembly Life Center – West Campus located at 3206 South Hazel Street. Veterans will be seen starting at 9:00am. Walk-ins are welcome! For more information contact the Pine Bluff Mayor’s Office, 870-730-2000 ext. 7.